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CILT Brazil Brasilia E6 Teacher: Denise Bomtempo

Environment   Sep 22, 2017 by Ingrid Silva

     According to footprint, most of greenhouse gases emissions are related to transportation and the way that feed ourselves. These two factors are closely linked to the national economy.

     Since the colonial period, my country has been an important reference point for its agricultural production and the raising of animals for food. For these and other reasons, Brazil has become one of the largest producers of meat in the world, a factor that contributes greatly to the emission of harmful gases to the atmosphere due to the large number of industries involved in this activity and the considerable amount of methane gas emitted by the cows.

     Considering our eating habits, we contribute considerably to the growth of the cattle industry by consuming meat every day of the week. Doing this we are encouraging the market of this product that will then produce more and more, thus being harmful to the environment. Also, the huge use of means of transport that emits polluting gases ends up reinforcing the damages brought to our planet.

      About the different effects of climate change, although the most developed countries are the largest emitters of greenhouse gases, the population living in these areas suffers considerably less than those living in vulnerable regions of the planet. This happens mostly because these peoples, especially the indigenous peoples, are unprepared to face such drastic changes that in most cases are not their responsibility.

      For these and many other reasons it is more than the right time to begin to take the necessary steps so that we can save not only our planet, but also the people who inhabit it and need our help.

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1 Comment(s)

Allison Bruce
Sep 23, 2017

Hi Ingrid,

This is a very well thought out response. You have connected climate change with carbon footprint and issues of colonization. As you mentioned, Brazil has a large meat-producing industry, I wonder also if this has contributed to deforestation as land is cleared for agricultural use and the further impact this might have on indigenous people living in those areas. Do you think people in Brazil and other countries would be willing to reduce their meat consumption for more sustainable food products? Keep up the great work.


Ingrid Silva
Sep 24, 2017

Hi Allison, 

Thank you for your commentary, you´ve really understood my point of view. Answering your question, change eating habits is something very difficult, especially the meat consumption, but despite this, I think that a huge quantity of people are willing to do this for the planet. Here in Brazil, the daily meat consumption is kind of a cultural thing, but I know a lot of people that started eating less meat or became vegetarian for the good of nature. So I think that although the difficulty, we can change step by step and reduce our harmful habits.


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