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United States - 1C Naomi Ichiriu

Environment   Sep 19, 2017 by naomiichiriu
  • How does your footprint reflect the economy of your country, including its colonial relations?
    • My footprint reflects that the US is a very prosperous country because of all of the waste we use such as consuming large amounts of electricity and wasting a lot of water. Since my footprint was basically made up of electricity use, I can also assume that almost everybody in our country uses a lot of electricity for power and lights. But if we compare our use of electricity to other countries that don't have access or are too poor to afford electricity, you can tell that our economy is very stable and wealthy. These decisions countries such as Americans use impact the environment very negatively, causing pollution and making natural disasters stronger.
  • How are the effects of climate change related with power imbalances among countries or within countries?
    • Since countries such as the US are powerful and spend fossil fuels or waste resources, they contribute to climate change. And since some poorer countries are in warm waters, hurricanes or natural disasters can form and worsen because of climate change and warmer waters. Because the countries are poorer, their architecture of homes and such would be not as strong. Power lines or homes that the government spent their little money compared to the US on would be knocked down and destroyed, making them restart all over again. 

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