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2b : Peru : Colegio de Ciencias : Fabrizio Malpartida

Environment   Oct 6, 2017 by Sebass369
  • 1 How is this representation of climate change similar to the other things you've read/viewed? How is different?

This representation is similar, because the video talk about how the CO2 gases are very harmful for our planet, also talk how the factories, the deforestation help to produce CO2 and in the same time do the greenhouse effect. And different because I see how the indigenous people do to know their rights and points of views.

  • 2 Where do you see the influence of Indigenous peoples in this video? Where is it missing?

I saw the influences of the indigenous people are on the  government, the communities in the themes of their home, the environment and the planet, and are help for the REDD+ with FPIC there are an agreement and a declaration that are interested in save the environment, and reduce the CO2, and also help and work with the indigenous. The indigenous communities to announce their problems and solutions, and defend their territory or better said their home. But their influence are missing in the part of big companies, factories that pollute, because are a lot of industries around all the world and are increasing, if we don't do nothing now, in this time.

  • 3 What solutions to climate change does this video propose?

The solutions are the reduction of CO2, stop the deforestation of the forest, too.

  • 4 Do you agree with the representation of Indigenous peoples and climate change action in the video? Why or why not?

Yes, I'm agree with that because the indigenous people have rights, and can, should to announce their opinions, and also this video give me a important knowledge about the greenhouse effect and other things that pollute.

  • 5 What are the opportunities and challenges in taking seriously Indigenous perspectives of climate change? Consider factors that facilitate or hinder ethical responses to climate change, including social and economic inequities, political dynamics, marginalization, discrimination, state, military/police power, etc.

the opportunities are not many but they increasing, also every time new challenges are presented, for example the opportunity that everyone has rights, also that some territories belong to them, also to be supported by REDD + and others; the disadvantages are that they are not part of the "civilization" or marginalized, also because of the racial issue that excludes them, and the theme of covetous and the negative effects of urbanization, destroying everything that is traversed in its devastating path.

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