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Perú: 1b Interactive-Simulations-FMALPARTIDA

Sep 27, 2017 by Sebass369

Simulation 1

1.What part of you ecological footprint most surprise you?

The most surprising for me was the part of  food, the trash and the transport because I made several simulations assuming a very poor people with minimum consumption, the ecological footprint for this kind of consumption was 0.7 earth. When I put my consumption  in the food I had 1.9 earths, in the trash I had 1.4 earths and in the transport 1.8 earths.

I have thought about how my routine life will be better for myself and the planet, because in those parts I saw how is my real ecological footprint, and I learned what I need to change.

2.How did your footprint compare to your city´s average (if available) and your country´s average?

My city footprint isn't available, but my country average is 1.3 earths and my footprint was 3.7 earths, this is 2.4 earths over Peru´s footprint.

3.Find a location with a smaller carbon footprint from yours, within your own country if possible.

    What is different about this community from your own? What can you learn from this?

 I made a simulation for a very poor people in my country, those people had 0.9 tons of carbon footprint , and I got in my footprint 9.4 tons of carbon.

I learned that I need to reduce my carbon footprint because I realize that there are so many poor people.who have a much lower carbon footprint as mine.

4.What parts of your footprint do you feel is possible to reduce? What parts don´t?

I feel that I can reduce my footprint for example: in the food i would can eat more vegetables and fruit than meat, in the trash i should recycle my rubbish and in the transport i will go to all places in a bike.

Simulation 2

1.What strategy did you take in Climate Challenge? Was it effective in reducing emission?

My strategy was to reduce the consumption of meat and fossil fuels, and punish the industries and factories that pollute and encourage the development of energies like  wind, solar and hydraulic energy. And also to boost the share of healthy food(vegetables, fruit and others). Also to increase the economy so that we can manage future and expensive decarbonize projects.

2.What did you think of how the strategy cards represented resources? Do you think some of the strategies/policies would have different impacts than the ones show in the game?

I think the cards represent resources of several factors such as: food, energy, economics, and others.

And I think that the policies  have many differences  because this depends of the people and his culture.

3.How did you approach international negotiations? Was it better to lead for example, or attempt to encourage other nations by investing in their green economies?

I did more to reduce our footprint, but the people  disagree with my strategy of turning to green technologies and then they throw me out as  president.

Simulation 3

1.Where you surprised by how much water you consumed?

I am very surprised because I consumed 830 m³ of water.

2.How did your footprint compare to your country's and the world's average? (You will need to research this.)

The water footprint of my country isn't available but my water footprint is lower than the global average which this 1234 m3.

3.What parts of your footprint do you feel is possible to reduce? What parts don't?

I need to change somethings about the type of food for example: cereals, meat and others.

4.Do some research on a water-based conflict in your country? Which communities have access to water, which ones don't, and who controls the resources use?

There are a lot of conflicts between mining companies and indigenous communities about the use of water.

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