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Kenya: 1a Creating a Profile in the Virtual Classroom

Environment   Sep 18, 2017 by Yasmin Iidow

Firstly, what is climate change? The simple definition of this is a long-termchange in the earth'sclimate; specifically a change due to an increase in the average atmospheric temperature of the earth.

Climate change is caused by natural factors such as; variations in solar radiation, plate tectonics and volcanic eruptions, but humans have been deemed the primary causing factor of the increasing rate of temperature change.

The rise in the planets temperature is caused by the rise in greenhouse gases being let into the atmosphere via power stations and factories; which ultimately contribute to global warming. These are gases that are trapping in the sun’s heat to stop it from leaking back into space; this allows the trapped heat to increase the temperature of the earth. Due to this scientists believe that temperatures will continue rising for decades to come and forecast a rise of 2.5 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit. This poses major concerns to wildlife, human health, nature, agriculture, fresh water supplies and coastlines.

Climate change is already having affects on sea levels, wildlife and weather:

  • Melting ice around the earth’s poles, including mountain glaciers, ice sheets and Arctic sea ice.
  • Many species have been effected by the rising temperatures such as Adélie penguins whose numbers have dropped from 32,000 breeding pairs to 11,000 in 30 years.
  • Precipitation has become increasingly more common around the globe.

The long-term effects of climate change can be predicted and will include; a decrease in sea which would lead to rapidly rising sea levels washing some coastal regions completely underwater forcing people to move inland. An increase in heat waves and heavy precipitation with long droughts in between will bring hardship, poverty and hunger to the people who are already suffering.

Different people from different backgrounds and upbringings may have different perspectives on climate change. Three different people, all with strikingly different views:

Person 1: Believes that climate change is one of the most important issues facing today’s society. The rising levels of greenhouse gases emitted from fuel stations and factories around the world need to be lowered due to the impacts they have on our planet. The rise in the earth’s temperature is causing sea levels to rise burying major coastal towns and cities underwater pushing more people inland into cramped cities with will only add to the rise in emissions. It becomes a continuous cycle unless we do something about this now.

Person 2: This person chooses to not to believe in climate change due to their own reasons, it could be due to religion or its in their own preference to not believe in something in that could change what they believe in. Complete denial in the fact that climate change is a prevalent issue in today’s society and dismiss it all as a hoax.

Person 3: Lastly, the third person is the person who believes in climate change but doesn’t care about it or thinks it affects them. Some of the people who fall into this category may also believe that global warming is not due to humans at all and therefore we need not do anything to stop it as it’s just the earth running its course and furthermore; that there’s nothing anyone can do to stop climate change as long as it doesn’t affect them they don’t care.

I chose this image as it highlights one of the causes of global warming in the centre and two of the effects on either side; rising sea levels and melting ice caps.

A)What is your vision for a sustainable world?

My vision for a sustainable world is a world in which there is little to no poverty, with millions more children in school. It is a world where we will have forests on every viable continent with a food supply enough for the earth’s entire population. It is world where people don’t have to worry about their safety when leaving the house; where all basic needs are met. It is a place where we commute using safe and low carbon transport and where energy efficiently is something we continue to work towards. Finally my vision for a sustainable world is one where the planet as a whole comes together and sets aside their differences to combat the increasing temperature of the earth.

B)What are you planning to do to make this vision a reality?

To make this vision a reality it is not a one man job, it is the work of all nations and hundreds of people from all backgrounds coming together. But I believe that us right here in this classroom have the ability to bring about a change, weather it may be small or big.

Firstly, we need to change people’s beliefs and mindset regarding climate change, to help people understand that this is a real issue we face and it is something that needs to be tackled as soon as possible.

Unity is the next obstacle that’s needs to be overcome in order to reach a sustainable future. All countries must unite and put aside differences and concentrate on reaching the end goal of reducing carbon emissions and making that world a better place for humanity to grow and thrive.

C)What impact has colonisation had on our journey to a sustainable planet?

Colonization has had a profound impact all over the world. It has allowed different cultures and races are exposed to new technologies that have shaped the world we now live in, it has helped countries to switch partly to cleaner energy or launch space programs. But sadly, colonization has stomped out many cultures, customs and practices which could have helped further advance modern technology. Tension and aggression have also risen between countries due to colonization relating to territories etc. I believe it was beneficial to us but ultimately stripped us of your core values.


“Mother Earth is a source of life which needs to be protected, not a resource to be exploited and commodified as a ‘natural capital.’ We have our place and our responsibilities within Creation’s sacred order. We feel the sustaining joy as things occur in harmony with the Earth and with all life that it creates and sustains.”

I wholeheartedly agree with this quote from Indigenous Peoples Global Conference on Rio+20 and Mother Earth. It shows us that we need to protect the earth and its resources and not be greedy by exploiting what we have been given. This is that only earth we as a civilization will have and therefore we must do all we can to ensure that we do not take it for granted. I have grown up in two drastically different countries and I see the effects that climate change and pollution are having in both countries which proves that call countries and companies need to start putting more effort into their environments and keeping the earth as sustainable as possible. This quote also rises the question: “we use the earths resources to build our houses and grow our food, therefore wouldn’t it be impossible to stop using mother earth as a ‘natural capital’ or would we have to put the earths needs before our own?”

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1 Comment(s)

Lebogang Disele
Sep 21, 2017

Hi Yasmin, great to meet you. My name is Lebo, I am your Cop 23 mentor.

I really enjoyed reading your post, but would like to dig deeper on some of the points you raise.

You talk about needing to change people`s beliefs - can you give examples of the strategies you can undertake to achieve this?

In terms of colonization and climate change - what values do you think we need to remember/revive in order to change the way we live on the planet? The last quote you put suggests putting the earth`s needs before our own - what does this look like to you?

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