A) How do these simulations relate to your community? Do any of them feel irrelevant to your context?
- I believe this simulations can help my community realize that everything we do will have an impact and may affect climate change. For example, in my case I didn't know that food han an impact on climate change and now thanks to the simulations I now it does have an impact and it's my job to decide if the impact will be positive or negative. Although I believe this simulation might be very helpful, many of them don't relate to my community since for example, houses in Costa Rica are different than the options for houses in the simulations.
B) How do these simulations help you (or not help you) find your place in combatting climate change?
- These simulations help me find my place in combatting climate change because now I'm aware of many things I didn't know affected climate change and thanks to this I will make a change to improve my ecological footprint. I was able to learn that every country has a limit and we also have a limit, one that I for example have crossed. In the first simulation about my Footprint it said if everyone lived like me, we would need 7 Earths and this made me realize I have to make a change and I need it now.
C) Have these simulations changed how you think climate change should be tackled?
- My perspective of how climate change should be tackled has changed because now I have more information and I have learned more about Climate Change and things I can start by doing to tackle it because knowledge is the key to success. I learned my country, Costa Rica has an average of 2.84 gha and people, including myself don't respect that and that is way we need limits. Everything has a limit which is there for a reason and now that i've crossed it I need to fix it. The simulations helped me propose new things I can start by doing because Climate Change isn't a joke, its real and THIS is a life or death threat. My job now is to help my community gain knowledge, to keep learning myself and to start changing.
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2 Comment(s)
I like really liked this simulation . It changed every people's opinion. I'm very impressed with your change.
Nice one Marisol, indeed knowledge is power especially when we put it to action. For sure
climate change is threatening our environmental stability and all it affords human civilization. But we also have a adequate medium to respond if we all do our parts well. We must devise innovative ways live well within our planet bounds.
It will be wonderful to read about the ways you propose to tackle the climate change challenge in your community, starting from your personal adjustments and commitments to sustainable ways of living.
Well done!
João Victor de Souza Cardoso
Sep 12, 2017