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CILT - BRASÍLIA - BRAZIL - Class: 2D - Teacher: Cristina Lourenço - 1A - "A new start"

Environment   Aug 25, 2017 by Ingrid Aimê Freire Rodrigues

My vision of a sustainable world is a planet where we take really seriously the problems that we cause. Problems like pollution, waste, burns, etc... Because if people would really worry about the consequences that a problem can cause, the solution would be more sought.

My planning to make this vision really is, first try to do what I have to, and maybe look for help people to do their part too. It is possible participating in several campaigns, where people come together to work for a sustainable world.

In a broader scenario, from the beginning when Brazil was "discovered", the changes has been increasingly notable. Like a butterfly effect, the persecution exaggerated and unbridled for natural resources coming from that time, is reverberating today.

In a other scenario, like the change of capital of Rio De Janeiro to Brasilia, in the middle of Brazil, also had procedures that harmed and continue harming the environment. People who have lived here say that the 'green' is decreasing more and more, and that in a few years it's difficult to recognize the city as the same.

And this all tends to continue if the generation stand with arms crossed.

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2 Comment(s)

Michael Morrison
Sep 26, 2017

Hi Ingrid, 

I really like how you include why people aren't battling this change today in your blog- they aren't aware of the consequences yet and therefore don't have any reason to find a solution. You explain the solution as small things done individually by each person, as an implement in their daily lives. Personally, I believe sometimes the first step to awareness is contributing your own concern, where from here we can join together to work things out in unity and collaboration. You mention how in Brazil, the negative changes in persecution and resources are only becoming more prominent in today's society. I'm certain that through these kinds of solutions, we can pinpoint what is already been done to make your country more aware of the issue at hand and promote how the good in the little things can put big things into play.

Thank you for this,


Hello Michael,

you reminded me that there really are ecological attitudes being taken here in my country. I was currently doing a research and was surprised by the number of awareness-raising projects done in schools. It is a great idea, because students who today learn to preserve the environment, can take incredible atitides in the future. Students like us, for example.

It made me hopeful about a better future for the world.

And you? What makes you hopeful about a better future?

Ingrid Aimê

Allison Bruce
Sep 19, 2017

Hi Ingrid,

I am a mentor for Brazil. I can sense your commitment to a sustainable world. I think your idea about people being more aware of the consequences of these problems is important. Your example about moving the capital of Brazil is a great example of the consequences of decisions that people make. Great start to this project.


Hello Allison,

I'm really a little worried with the with the course that things are taking, it's already possible see in the present, the consequences of our neglect with the world. And in my opinion, that changes the view of many people who think that consequences will come only in a distant future.

So the project is a big opportunity, to see how to make a sustainable world. And your comment was very inspiring to me, thank you.

Ingrid Aimê

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