My vision for a sustainable world is a world with persons who care even with spacial trash. Persons who think in the life of the animals, if they have enough food, space and water. A world with many more trees and plants, where the humans in charge don't hide the innumerable forms to generate energy for us, in a healthy way for our planet. A sustainable world on which we consume sustainable things, simpler and more alive such as organic bags.
To make this vision a reality I'm planning to stop eat meat. I throw trash in the trash can, I search how to make effective cosmetics in a natural way and I advice everyone around me to do the same, to think about nature, to see how selfish we are to the other lives on Earth.
The colonization brought strong impacts to our journey to a sustainable planet, because in the beginning the humans only thought in the materials of the land who could bring richness. They deforested to take this richness out, and trade them after, doing a drastic modification, day by day, in the environment as no other living being did.
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1 Comment(s)
I am a mentor from Canada. I think you have clear ideas for your vision of a sustainable world. It would be great to live in a world like that. Your ideas of action that you can take demonstrate your willingness to change your life for the better of the environment and other people. I think you have touched on a key issue which is we selfish we are and want the lifestyle and things we are used to having. Are there any specific examples of the impacts of colonization that you could elaborate on? I wish you luck with your plans to make changes. Your idea of making cosmetics in a natural way is very inspiring and would be beneficial for people, animals, and the environment.
Allison Bruce
Sep 11, 2017