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UNITED STATES: 1a My Virtual Profile

Environment   Aug 2, 2017 by nathanieljoffe
  • A) What is your vision for a sustainable world?

My vision for a sustainable world would be a combination of a high-tech city with a natural setting. The city would be energy-efficient, and there would be reasonable limits on the amount of water you could use. Food would be grown in greenhouses that would only be accessible to workers to prevent contamination. The soil would not be tilled, because that releases a lot of carbon into the atmosphere. There wouldn’t be cars, instead there would be tubes that could be installed in homes or in public so that people could get wherever they would need to be.

The buildings would be tall, and most people would live in apartments in these buildings to save space so that the city wouldn’t need to expand and destroy habitats. There could be gardens on the rooftops for decoration. Safety would be enforced, and all types of people would have equal opportunities, no matter what race, religion, or gender. Things like basic food and clothing would be free so that everyone would have the necessary things they need to survive. Housing would also be provided to everyone.

The public would be informed about problems that are happening and would be encouraged to help and make a difference. The public would also have the power to point out problems to the government, and action would be taken if it was considered important.

  • B) What are you planning to do to make this vision a reality?

I think I could try to eat more organic food, and use less resources. I would like to check labels on food to make sure that it was made sustainably, especially on products like dairy, meat and eggs. I would also like to limit my use of electricity and water, and will encourage my family to do the same. I could take shorter showers, and convince my family to get a more drought-resistant garden. I will always try to fully turn off electronics instead of just letting them "sleep," because that could save a lot of energy. We could also start composting, which is something we don’t currently do. If everyone in the world did these simple things, we could really make a difference.

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