The colonization was a very important moment for the Country, with it we were very excited; Many factories, many cars and other polluting vehicles, large urban centers, and with it a huge carbon production that provided a gigantic evolution in global warming. We relax a lot with respect to environmental preservation, we neglect a lot of our planet and this mainly harms ourselves, today we feel the consequences of our carelessness in the form of natural disasters like hurricanes, desertification and floods.
We need to go back and look after the planet, take care of our home. The damage is gigantic, a few months later, Hurricane Irma passed through the Caribbean islands, destroying them, from the point of view of some this could not be avoided, in my view it could. If years ago people had ceased to worry about the shallow things and care for the planet preserving it perhaps that disaster would have been avoided, and if we do not take action the disasters will continue to happen, each day with a greater intensity, until Ours we have destroyed the earth, until we have finished our home.
I believe that colonizers should help promote events that encourage people to maintain the healthy environment by teaching decolonization to preserve and produce less carbon, and to introduce the population into the ecological world so that we are aware of how wonderful our planet is and that we can not lose it.