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Cilt Brazil Brasília E6 - Teacher Denise Bomtempo - Andressa Alves Pereira

Environment   Oct 22, 2017 by Andressa Alves Pereira

The deforestation of the Amazon Forest is one of the main environmental problems of the world today, due to its great importance for the environment. This deforestation causes extinction of plant and animal species, bringing irreparable damage to the Amazonian ecosystem.

Many people have already been victims of great violence for trying to defend the land, the Manokis Indians, for example, were expelled from their territory and 170 other people living there. It all began in 1970, when the military dictatorship decided to occupy the territory so as not to risk losing it.

In Brazil, only in 2005 were 18,793km² of deforested areas, one of the main causes being the extraction of wood, mostly illegal.

Some renowned companies also participate in the destruction of the Amazon, because when they buy raw material or any kind of illegal material they contribute to this action being continued and the environment highly impaired. Not to mention that the forest softens global warming, retaining and absorbing carbon dioxide, cleans the atmosphere, brings water circulations, among other benefits that are being inhibited by unscrupulous people.

NGOs such as Greenpeace, SOS Mata Atlântica, WWF, IPAM (Amazon Research Institute) and several other entities carry out campaigns and studies to disseminate and facilitate the sustainable development and recovery of degraded areas of Amazonia in Brazil.

Solutions: Zero deforestation, Protected areas, Land regularization.

Governance: For all these measures to become effective, the government must be in the Amazon, with the resources and infrastructure to enforce the preservation laws. Protecting the Amazon and creating a model of sustainable and fair development for the region can generate opportunities for people who depend on the forest.

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1 Comment(s)

Elliot Damasah
Oct 31, 2017

Excellent piece. Do you know of a particular indigenous group that is suffering as a result of these extractions? You recommendations are exceptional. Well done.

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