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CILT-Brasília-Brazil-E6-2b. Pre-Bilateral - Indigerous responses to climate change

Environment   Oct 18, 2017 by Mateus de Morais Torres Ferreira

How is this representation of climate change similar to the other things you’ve read/viewed? How is different?

What we have of similar is the old question of global pollution, of this exaggerated globalization, and of the unmeasured thirst of man for money. But a different and very cool point of the video is that it shows us the Indians' point of view on these issues.

Where do you see the influence of Indigenous peoples in this video? Where is it missing?

I saw the influence present in the solves of dioxide carbon problems, indigenous people are so careful with forests, they believe that the world is the only home that we have.

What solutions to climate change does this video propose? 

Agreements are being made do reduce de dioxide that is being made by industrialized countries, they’re developing the slow down and maybe stop the destruction of forests.

Do you agree with the representation of Indigenous peoples and climate change action in the video? Why or why not?

Yes, because the indigenous people are so responsible with the nature and environmental issues, they give back everything they collect.

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1 Comment(s)

Elliot Damasah
Oct 25, 2017

Great response to the first answer. The video indeed tells us the view point of indigenous people.

Your response to the second question is good too. Indigenous people have come to the realization that excess CO2 is causing harm to our earth so, they have taken initiated to reduce it. one of the ways they are doing this is through REDD+.

In your response to the third question, you nailed it. Those agreements with industries that impact our ecosystems are necessary.

I do agree with your answer to the fourth question, however, do you think the video captures all the views of all indigenous people in the world. At least does it capture all the view of indigenous people in Brazil?


  • What are the opportunities and challenges in taking seriously Indigenous perspectives of climate change? Consider factors that facilitate or hinder ethical responses to climate change, including social and economic inequities, political dynamics, marginalization, discrimination, state, military/police power, etc.

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