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PERU: 2a Pre Bilateral - Climate Change is Our Shared Problen by Christian

Environment   Oct 4, 2017 by Christian

1. What are the most relevant actions / goals proposed in SDG # 13

1. The most important goal in Challenge # 13 is to strengthen resilience and adaptability to climate and natural hazards in all countries and also reach the goal 100 billion annual dollars for each country.

2. How do the objectives of SDG # 13 respond to the challenges created by the effects of climate change on water in indigenous and non-indigenous communities?

2. The climatic change affects the indigenous communities as the rivers will have less water, causing that the crops are lost and there will be not enough water for human consumption, increase of pests since these can bring dangerous diseases that can be very difficult to treat and also in the habitat of the animals causing the animals to leave their habitat by the temperature change and its ecosystem.

3. What other areas do you think should be taken into account?
3. With climate change in addition to affect in different aspects also largely affects the economy of people for example, with climate change there may be droughts and farmers would not have products to export, and markets would find scarce products by the change and consumers would have to look for other ways to feed themselves.

4.What elements would you incorporate if you had to build and action/target that addressed water, Indigenous peoples, and non-indigenous people. Provide a brief rationale that justifies each element.

4.Provide a brief justification to justify each item. Use water responsibly so that it can be distributed to people who can not easily obtain it, prohibit the contamination of rivers so that in the future it will be reused for crops, and people's consumption, not to produce CO2 because this makes that every time the rains are scarce and would make that our city will be located in the middle of a desert,

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