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Slovenia: Climate Change is Our Shared Problem

Environment   Oct 3, 2017 by Liza Klajnšek

1. What are the most relevant actions/targets proposed in SDG#13

The most relevant targets proposed in SDG #13 we would like to point out are target number three and target number five. In target number three developed countries committed themselves to respond to climate change by offering $100 billion per year to the developing countries until year 2025. In number five countries started to develop national and local disaster risk reduction strategies.

2. How do SDG #13 targets respond to the challenges created by the effects of climate change in water in both Indigenous and non-indigenous communities?

Countries responded to climate change and contributed to global climate action. As of 20th of April 2017, 137 countries that are taking part in Paris Agreement contributed their nationally determinate plans to the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Countries are donating $100 billion per year to address climate related needs of developing countries.

3. What other areas do you think should be taken into account?

We believe parties of the Paris Agreement should inforce tighter control regarding penalties for non-compliance of their nationally determinate plans.

4. What elements would you incorporate if you had to build and action/target that addressed water, Indigenous peoples, and non-indigenous people. Provide a brief rationale that justifies each element.

Again we would inforce tighter control against developing countries and also bigger corporations, why we believe they have much bigger impact on climate change than a single man itself. Countries should enrol tighter control and penalty system regarding corporations and their impact in local environment. We believe that fighting climate change should start in local level.

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