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Canada: 2a - Climate Change is our Shared Problem

Environment   Sep 29, 2017 by Sahaj Kinshuk

What are the most relevant actions/targets proposed in SDG#13?

13.3, improving education on climate change mitigation seems the most relevant to me. Many of the other targets propose to either minimize the damage caused by climate change or attempt to prevent climate change from the highest level, government. However change is best created from the bottom up, so I believe improving education would result in the greatest impact towards preventing climate change. 13.A also seems effective to me, because they address past issues related to financial support to developing countries by specifying that money is to be used in a meaningful and transparent way.

How do SDG #13 targets respond to the challenges created by the effects of climate change in water in both Indigenous and non-indigenous communities?

Effects of climate change in water are addressed by SDG #13 targets through the mobilization of funds to developing countries by supporting disaster risk reduction strategies and climate change adaptation projects. These initiatives can result in providing access to clean water to climate change affected areas. The SDG targets also encourage countries to make their own plans, suited to their own needs. This is important for countries that have large indigenous communities that need special consideration for plans.

What other areas do you think should be taken into account?

SDG #13 Targets seem to focus on supporting developing countries, with the only action towards developed countries being a vague promise to make individual plans, which few countries actually follow. I believe that the support of those who are most affected by climate change is very important, however there must be accountability to those who create those conditions in the first place with their greenhouse gas emissions. I believe greater emphasis should be placed on direct action by powerhouse countries to make change, especially to preserve their own natural wonders, ecosystems, and native organisms. This would also help Indigenous groups that rely on nature to survive.

What elements would you incorporate if you had to build and action/target that addressed water, Indigenous peoples, and non-indigenous people?

I would incorporate a plan to protect sources of freshwater. Many sources of water within countries are becoming contaminated due to poor education and practice of water preservation. This is important for indigenous groups that rely on nearby sources of water that may be becoming contaminated by travelers or farmers that pollute it. Public education, especially for non-indigenous people, on proper water stewardship could help with these issues, as less people would be likely to pollute due to ignorance.

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1 Comment(s)

Helen Chen
Sep 30, 2017

Hello Sahaj,

I really enjoyed reading your responses! I agree education is very important so that our generation doesn't make the same as the past. It's not just education though-there's also awareness, and that could be for people of any age. We should and could work with companies to design their own plans to economize spending and become eco-friendly. Wow I actually never thought of your idea for question 3 in much detail before-great that you brought it up. It's very interesting how now, developed countries are actually switching to renewables since it's more economically viable and eco-friendly. Although the US backed out of the Paris Agreement, they now have no choice but to resort to renewables and natural gas because the coal industry isn't sustainable nor does it increase the number of jobs in the US; it's great how China is working very hard and propelling the agreements forward. For your response for the last question, I truly believe education to non indigenous peoples is important, to combat ignorance and apathy. It's also important to teach the indigenous on how to purify water, deal with disasters...etc. so even when we're not present, they are able to sustain themselves for the long term. This is a good article on the adulterated water for the indigenous in Canada:

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