Carbon Footprints might be an used as an indicator of economic growth or a way of distinguishing MEDC’s from LEDC’s because of the fact that higher development levels mean increased greenhouse gas emissions. The statement before this is highly debatable but it is true more often than not. Ghana is a colony of Great Britain and is still today a common wealth country. The colonisation impeded the nations growth to some extent because of the amount of natural resource lost during the colonial times This has helped reduce the carbon footprint of Ghana by quite margin but we do not live in a world of isolation. The resources which were purged from Ghana were used to develop the colonial masters countries which today has translated to a higher global ecological footprints. The global footprint also affects all the goods and services which can be provided in the nation, counties with higher footprints tend to be the manufacturers for many goods and services and those with lower footprints tend to be big importers but some nations, however, have managed to do both. So t hey have powerful economies but at the expense of the environment
The effects of climate change will always affect the people or nations with less power than ones with a lot of it.This is unfair to some extent because more often than not it is the nations with a lot of power who contribute the most to global climate change. Storms are being made worse by global warming as monsoons ,hurricanes and storms as such are becoming more and more dangerous . For example if there was going to be a catastrophe such as the hurricanes which have been terrorising the American Coast. A country like Guadeloupe would suffer more than the USA when the storm does strike. This is because the USA is able to quickly respond to the emergency and repair any damage because of their high economic standing due to their booming industrial work which leads to high carbon emissions.
This is one of the ways climate change affects power imbalance.