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Canada: 1a

Sep 17, 2017 by Badr


What is climate change?

According to NASA climate change is the change in the Earth’s climate which is the change in the average weather conditions in a certain place. Different from weather change, which is the change in a region's condition which can happen in a couple of hours while climate change occurs gradually over a long period of time.

How does climate change affect me?

Depending on one's values, geographical location, occupation, interest and beliefs, one will view climate change in a different perspective. For example a human a marine biologist might view climate as a devastating process to the environment and is protesting against Co2 emissions which is causing climate change. While someone who work in the oil industry might be angry that their government is taking action because it would ultimately be impacting their job. Personally I view climate change a very problematic situation for me and other students for the future. It jeopardizes our water bodies and air quality which is a priority for having a healthy lifestyle. Ecosystems in water are extremely fragile and the slightest change in water temperature can cause that ecosystem to collapse as temperatures increase these ecosystem start to die off causing the water to be polluted with algae decay and harmful bacteria.This past summer there have been many forest fires in certain areas of British Columbia due to how hot the climate has been getting in Canada this caused many areas of BC and Alberta to have poor air quality which can truly affect people who have asthma or any breathing difficulties. Climate change also affects many groups around Canada specifically First Nations. Their culture and lifestyle was brought up by recognizing purity and beauty of the earth but now that climate change is affecting that it is ultimately affecting their culture and identity .



  1. What is my vision for a sustainable future?

My vision for a sustainable future is a future where we all live in a no waste manner. This mean that everything we purchase or do does not create waste and will eventually recycle it self in some manner. With an estimated population of 9 billion people it will be impossible to maintain that amount of people with the current way we live. The world average of garbage we produce is around 2.6 trillion pounds.

b) How are you planning to make this vision a reality?

I am planning to make this vision a reality by using no plastic bags and buying in bulk. Although me making a change in lifestyle will be insignificant to the amount of garbage that is produced we all have to start from somewhere. As I will get older I will hopefully pass on my lifestyle to them and them to their children and so on. Also influencing others can have a similar trickling effect.

c) What impact has colonization had on your journey to a sustainable planet ?

Colonizers who came to Canada had a mentality that the earth was here for us to use and that we did not have to give anything back. While First Nation had a completely different view of the world and believed that we needed to give back what we have took. As colonizers have completely took over Canada they have neglected the views of First Nation people who understood how to maintain our earth. As a result of neglecting First Nation peoples knowledge they have turned this world into a consuming mess which is incompletely sustainable. Colonization has impacted my journey to a sustainable world because now we are constantly taught to consume but not give back. This could have been prevented if colonizers had not neglected First Nation views.

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1 Comment(s)

Helen Chen
Sep 21, 2017

Hi Badr,

Great and very well-phrased submission! I liked the facts you provided about climate change, but what are factors that affect climate change? How have we mistreated the First Nations, and what can we do to solve the problem and really have that communication between them and us, so we could learn about how they live sustainably and learn from their practices? The point you made about someone working in the oil industry is great- I like how you looked at this issue from a different perspective, especially one different from yours as a climate activist. What if we switched to green energy, which could also provide jobs? What are concerns or problems that lie in that route? 

Lastly, you really sound like an inspiring and passionate person, so I really look forward to what you're going to do to influence the others in your community, like you said-maybe give a few examples on how you're going to empower your friends and family?

Thanks for this very enjoyable read, and keep fighting for what you're passionate about :) 

