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Canada- 1a. Pre-Confrence- Creating a Profile in the Virtual Classroom.

Environment   Sep 17, 2017 by Fatema Mahmod

Q1. What is Climate Change?

A. Climate change to me is the increase or decrease of temperature within an ecosystem, or region. Climate change will affect every region of the world in a different, almost personalized way. My views of climate change, and the affects of climate change on my life will be drastically different than for someone who currently resides in Kenya, or Brazil. The common repercussion of climate change is its negative effects on humanity's standard of living as a whole. Climate change is not prejudiced, nor does it favour a part of the world over another, climate change is an issue for all of humanity, no matter culture, socioeconomic consequence, etc..

Q2. How does it Affect You?

As I stated before, climate change will affect every region of the world differently, but the important point to remember is the fact that climate change will effect all of humanity. In Canada, the affects of climate change are seen in the increase pf temperatures, especially in the Summer. Our Summers are getting hotter, which I inconsistent with Canada's history of cold climates. But, the real issues start to appear once you move up North. Northern Canada consists of three Territories. in our territories, we are seeing a frightening trend. The permafrost, which is ground or soil, which exists at temperatures lower than 0 degrees Celsius. This means that Permafrost should never melt, it cant possibly melt, because it is a frozen block of land. Yet, recent studies have shown that it is in fact melting, slowly. This scares me, because it shouldn't melt, science says it shouldn't melt, yet it is. Another issue which is close to home, is the spread of wildfires, which have been ravaging British Columbia, a province in Canada. The spread of these wildfires, hurts Canada socially and economically, due to the fact that many people have had to evacuate their homes, and that lumber is one of Canada's primary exports. The moral of he story is that climate change is an issue that will effect the whole world, and we must wok together to find a sustainable resolution.


Q1. What is your Vision of a Sustainable world.

A. My vison of a sustainable world is a green place. To elaborate, a green place is a place where socially, humanity has accepted its responsibility as a species to care for the one planet that we have, Earth. A place where sustainability  is on the agenda of all governments everywhere. A home for everyone on Earth, where we care for our own well-being, where as a reciprocal, we care for our planet. My vision is an Earth with energy efficient power, green power. Where the Amazon rainforest is being conserved, the air is not polluted, the seas are being cleared of garbage, farming is more efficient, in the sense where we have moved on to more sustainable diets. My vision is an Earth that is being cared for by humans. A place where we learn from our indigenous groups how to appreciate the land around us, how to appreciate the Earth. My vision for Earth is a green place.

Q2. What are you Planning to make this Vision a Reality?

A. This vision is something that I doubt I will see in my lifetime. That's being realistic. This green place is something that I will plan, but unfortunately never see. That is not because I am not hopeful for the future, that is only because this generation, this era that I am a part of is a peculiar one. We have managed to incorporate the old ideas and the new into a unified, defined voice. My generation is one of planners. In my time I will see small, progressive changes, but to make this vision a tangible reality, we have to start a dialogue. An open dialogue, where people of different cultures, religions and way of life's can all make a meaningful contribution. COP23 is essential in making this vision a reality, the incorporation of youth voice into matters of worldly significance is crucial in creating long lasting, meaningful social, political and economic change. 

Q3. What Impact has Colonization had on your Journey to a sustainable planet. 

A. Colonization has had a huge impact on moving toward a sustainable planet. Canada has faced many tabulations because of colonization, especially our First Nations groups. Canada's Indigenous groups witnessed first hand, the effects of colonization.  Traditionally, Canada's first nations are spiritually tied to mother Earth. In a world without colonization, settlers could have learned from Canada's aboriginal groups how to appreciate and care for the environment and ecosystems around us. Yet, a negative stigma is what has stinted our appreciation of the beautiful and deep culture which our first nations groups possess, and it is this stigma that has halted our movement towards a sustainable planet. This same effect is seen throughout the world, in country's which have been colonized and then decolonized. In my opinion, colonization is one of the main culprits of the halt to our journey to a sustainable planet. 

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1 Comment(s)

Helen Chen
Sep 21, 2017

Hi Fatema,

Great submission! I really liked how you talked about how different countries experience different circumstances with regards to climate change; can you think of places where the situation is worse (or better), and maybe compare/contrast what policies or what actions have been undergone to worsen or ameliorate the effects of climate change on a region? What ideas do you have when you say sustainable diets-can you give me a few examples and how it could be implemented? I strongly agree that this should be on the government's agendas, but the problem today is that people are aware of the problem, but the issue is the will to act and the government's willingness to act and invest in solving climate change; in order to do so, there must be more discussion nationally, provincially, and locally, so that there is support for this movement. How do you think we should work with the government to achieve their sustainability goals (e.g. I'm currently working with the York Region and I'm starting to formulate a youth action committee), and how to empower those who are ignorant or apathetic to this? What issues do you think the government should tackle first when solving climate change, and how do you propose they solve this? 

Very thoughtful reflection about colonization-since you seem passionate about this issue, what do you think are possible solutions to supporting the indigenous peoples and creating that communication "bridge" between them and us, so we could learn and appreciate their practices and views. 

Thanks for this very thought provoking essay, it was a pleasure to read, and I really look forward to how you bring this to your community :) 



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