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Kenya:My Virtual Profile

Environment   Sep 16, 2017 by Mohamed

Climate change has been a significant issue that impacts our life as much as we impact the climate. The change comes from many reasons any is not positive but ,It has come to our attention in many years and it has for the most part been addressed but not in the right way.

We are still hurtling towards the day climate change becomes irreversible .We are the tipping point of climate change. To make it better or worse. We take it for granted because we may feel the effects generations later but those effects will be catastrophic. If not to us then to our children and their right to clean water and air will be taken from them by us.

This topic has been debated over and over again but what we fail to come to a conclusion to is 'HOW'. We have made a lot of progress but not much to stop the globe from warming. This is mainly because its invisible, and many people still choose not to believe in the problem at all. Our approach of scaring and blaming the world for not helping is not effective.

A good example of how we should approach it is the Ozone hole in 1985 where the world understood that there was a problem that needed to be fixed and fast .A simple moral explanation set the world to a path of unity. The same should be done, not by giving scientific or scary data but by addressing the issue as a society.

Many of us understand where they come from but often neglect it and decide to not be part of the solution. We can create a sense of awareness by simply acting as a messenger to your society and the people close to you, not in a scientific way but in a more moral and inviting way to be part of the solution.

We have to understand the risk in difference of opinion and that if one doesn't feel like he/she should be taking part then we cannot move forward .The good thing about these different opinions is that we start to understand why there has been no decline to the problem.

Many students views are all similar in that climate change is bad for us and our future. The fail to understand, though ,that they have a duty to protect their environment and the globe for their own future .Some think that their too young to make an impact and others think that they will not be able to make a big enough impact.

At the end of the path, do we succeed and see a thriving Earth or a barren wasteland.

To make these perspectives a reality, we have to start within our own backyard. How much energy do you consume and how much Carbon do you emit everyday. Simple questions like these show us how small of a task can lead to one of the most debated and threatening problem of our century. A good 'green' plan involves the understanding that;

⦁You are one person and you can make all the difference

⦁How low can my consumption of energy be?

⦁How low can my Carbon emission be?

To start with yourself as a role model to others in your society, your family and even your peers at school can help set their minds to help in the fight against climate change.

In my opinion a sustainable world would be one where we need not to be struggling to keep ourselves safe and others. A world where our resources were secured

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1 Comment(s)

Lebogang Disele
Sep 22, 2017

Hi Mohamed, I am Lebo - your Cop 23 mentor. It is a pleasure to meet you.

I would just like to urge you to share your image of climate change. I like the suggestions you make here, especially about speaking to people about climate change person to person, and not at them by just presenting facts and figures. 

These are simple steps that can make people feel like a part of the solution and not the problem. I would like to encourage you take this further - how would people be able to answer these questions, and more importantly how would they be able to correct themselves if, for example, they have high carbon emissions? What challenges might people face in implementing solutions to reduce their carbon foot print?

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