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1b. Pre-Conference - Interactive Simulation Blogs Philippines

Sep 15, 2017 by Enrico Louis Alba

1.What part of your ecological footprint most surprised you?

The thing that surprised me is that, I can not believe that, what I think is normal is not what I thought of because in the results it says that my ecological footprint needs 2.7 Earths. So for me there is something that I need to do or change.

2.How did your footprint compare to your city’s average (if available) and your country’s average? Mine and my country’s footprint sad to say, is very distant of me having a 4.7 ecological footprint compared to my country only having 1.1

3. Find a location with a smaller carbon footprint from yours, within your own country if possible. What is different about this community from your own? What can you learn from this? Since that we are talking about consumption, I learned that it is very important to be concerned in your own surroundings and have a simple consumption, I learned that I should be more simple because that is what the earth demands and that is it how it should be. especially living in a developing country in order to help and contribute to the growth of the land. I should be more simple as a person and really save from and not to spending unnecessary things. And be more concern to my surroundings, to save more, consume less, and to care for others who needs.

4. What parts of your footprint do you feel is possible to reduce? What parts don’t?

I Think the thing that I can reduce and sacrifice is my food and other material consumption

The thing that I think that is not possible to reduce, for me is the mobility..

5. What do you think are the limits and possibilities in affecting climate change by the reduction of individual footprints?

I Think it would be good because the less action the more it will benefit the planet and it means that it we would have more simple lifestyle but there are things that has circumstances depending on the place, needs, of a person it depends on the location and what are the must and unessential things. At the end of the day in order for us to be successful in reducing our carbon footprints it is about finding the alternative ones.

3. Water Footprint Calculator -Link (Global North Schools), Link (Global South Schools)

This tool allows students to calculate their water footprint, based on their lifestyle and the part of the world they live in. Tell students to pick a city that is comparable to theirs (only a few cities are included).

  1. Were you surprised by how much water you consumed? Yes because I did not expect to consume that much of a water per year. Especially it is higher than globally
  2. How did your footprint compare to your country’s and the world's average? (You will need to research this.) I could say that there is a big difference between my ecological footprint and my country. Compare to the 1.1 of the philippines against my own, 4.7 there is a big gap.
  1. What parts of your footprint do you feel is possible to reduce? What parts don’t? I Think the thing that I can reduce from my water footprint is the water itself. I believe that from the data itself everything is reducible.
  2. Do some research on a water-based conflict in your country. Which communities have access to water, which ones don’t, and who controls the resource use? According to

Out of 101 million Filipinos, eight million rely on unimproved, unsafe and unsustainable water sources and 27 million lack access to improved sanitation. Families without a safe water source in or near their home often spend significant time and energy collecting water. Those without a sanitary toilet facility at home face a number of unattractive choices, including venturing out at night or suffering the embarrassment of asking to use the toilet of a neighbor.

Thus, Filipinos consider water and sanitation access a matter of safety, pride, progress, and convenience, in addition to the health considerations. While about 75 percent of surveyed Filipinos expressed an interest in a water and sanitation loan, previously few banks or microfinance institutions offered loans specifically tailored to this purpose.

Usually in our country the ones who control the water supplies is the private companies who provide water services one example is the Maynilad. Maynilad is the water and wastewater services provider of cities and municipalities that form the West Zone of the Greater Metro Manila Area in the Philippines. It is an agent and contractor of the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS).

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1 Comment(s)

Sharif Nawyaz
Oct 5, 2017

Your understanding about ecological footprint calculator gave you a clear picture about how food consumption and food habit influence your community and climate change.

Your writing was a good one. 

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