I cause a big impact in the world and if I'm not change, can be worse in the future but, in the general mode, I'm okay with the impacts that I cause but I want to change because I do things witch I know that isn't good for the planet and affect the environment.
The most of the topics can be reduce or eliminate, because we don't need of the majority things that have in the questions there, for example: Why we are to have a dishwasher in home? We can wash our dishes with the manual work, because in home usually don't go to have a lot of people that can use a lot of dishes, so we can change something. A thing that we can't change is the air conditioning, because when the weather is very hot and the global warming increases that the big part of the fault are ours, we need for necessity.
I think the limits can be when the final calculation pass 1.0 planet if everyone lived in the same way and 2.0 global hectares to support the global consumption. That way we can reduce the climate change and posteriorly the global warming. Examples to reduce is stop the deforestation, eat less meat, more fresh food, take a bus or train instead of a car, use renewable electricity, etc. In my school named "CILT" the guys create a platorm to post the news and with this, we don't use paper and it is less deforestation, we want to every student plant seeds to have trees in the future .
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Hello Shadia,
Thank you for your thoughtful reflection on your carbon footprint. I think you are right that some things we need and therefore it seems harder to make changes in those areas heating and cooling are certainly important depending on the climate; however, there are still opportunities for making improvements. A few examples would be to have good insulation/sealed windows for homes/apartments to prevent heat/cool air loss also the size of housing would have a significant impact on how much air conditioning is needed. It is great to hear about the changes your school is making and that you see the positive impact of these changes. What other changes might your school be able to make? Are there any changes that you could get involved with?
Hello Allison, is good to see you here again, you are right, we have other opitions to cooling, air conditioning is mostly dispensable. Now, my school is having a group to feed the homeless and give clothes to them and I will go to participate. We have some ideas but some of them are still plans, but we are working to make this plans become a right project.
Allison Bruce
Sep 21, 2017