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- What part of your ecological footprint most surprised you? I was surprised that 57% of my ecological footprint was my carbon footprint.
- How did your footprint compare to your city’s average and your country’s average? The U.S's ecological footprint is 8.22 gha per person while mine is 7.9 gha.
- In San Francisco the total emissions per household by block is 42.03 while in Los Altos it is 51.07.
- What parts of your footprint do you feel is possible to reduce? What parts don’t? I feel I can reduce the my carbon footprint because right now it is 10.7 tonnes of CO2 emissions a year.
- Fighting climate change individually is great. But working together is the best way to help. When you work alone you can change something but when we work together we make the biggest change.
- Were you surprised by how much water you consumed? - Yes I was surprised by how much water I consumed. I never really realized that I consume so much water.
- How did your footprint compare to your country’s and the world's average? (You will need to research this.) - My water footprint which is around 578 cubic meters a year seems like a tiny bit if you look at the U.S. water footprint which is 1,011,752 cubic meters a year. When I looked at the chart off my result for the footprint calculator my water footprint is about half of the average person’s water footprint.
- What parts of your footprint do you feel is possible to reduce? What parts don’t? I feel that I can reduce my domestic part by starting to take shorter showers and turning on the dishwasher when it is completely full. I don’t feel that I can reduce my food part because almost every food need water to be produced or cooked.
- One big water-based conflict in California was the drought but now The Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency provides water for 26 cities. districts, and private utilities in San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Alameda.
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Hi Devi, My name is Abedeh and I'm your mentor on COP project. Good job so far! In your response to Q5, Climate change, you might also address the liability issue to mitigate/adapt climate change issues.
Hi there, is it Devi? My name's Summer and I'm one of your mentors on this project. Thanks for sharing the info on your water and carbon footprint. What do you think could be a reason for your water footprint being low?
Abedeh Gholidoust
Sep 22, 2017