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Environment   Sep 12, 2017 by Kássia Leandra Mendes de Oliveira

What most surprised me, was the way how my behave directly affects the destruction of the planet as well as in your conservation.Frequently we have the thinking habit that the earth's resources will always suffice, don’t matter how much we use, when in fact, they are limited and need to be enjoyed with conscience.

There are simple attitudes that can be improve to reduce this estimates.Like saving Energy, because in my case, it’s not possible to use from renewable resources.Another attitude is reuse everything that is possible and that would go to waste.This would reduce the amount of trash that would be disposed of in the environment.

By reducing the individual footprints, for example, the daily locomotion, that most people generally do it alone in their cars, could be shared or maybe, changed for public transportation.This would reduce emissions of pollutant gases, consequently affecting climate change positively.

I believe there are difficult limits to overcome, because they involve rigorous changes of habits. However, we must all leave the zone of comfort which we submit and respond the request for help from a Planet which has been more degraded every day.

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1 Comment(s)

Allison Bruce
Sep 20, 2017

Hi Kassia,

I am one of your mentors. Thank you for your thoughtful reflection. It seems this was a meaningful exercise for you to think about your actions and often it is easy to think that maybe we as individuals don't need to change much until you see something like this. Your idea of reusing everything is great and if we think creatively we can often use something again. Also, making choices about buying products based on how much packaging is an easy way to cut back on waste and something I try to do. I love your ideas about leaving our comfort zone as this is a really important step for almost any change people in life want to make; however, after a short time, the new way seems very easy. Thank you for your reflection this week.


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