Ecological Footprint Calculator
What part of your ecological footprint most surprised you?
I was surprised by my Carbon Footprint because it is 4.5 gha.
How did your footprint compare to your city’s average and your country’s average?
My country’s average is 8.22, and my average is 4.5 gha. This is less because I bike to school almost every day, and bike or walk whenever I can.
What parts of your footprint do you feel is possible to reduce? What parts don’t?
I think how much I travel by car is possible to reduce, since I like to bike, but I think how my house is set up isn’t(for now).
Water Footprint Calculator
Were you surprised by how much water you consumed?
I was surprised because I thought, since I am a vegetarian, that my water footprint would be a lot less, but it was still really high.
How did your footprint compare to your country’s and the world's average? (You will need to research this.)
The average in our country is 842 cubic meters, the world’s average is 1243 cubic meters, and mine is 595 cubic meters. I think mine is less because I am a vegetarian, and the water needed to raise animals is more than the water needed to raise plants.
What parts of your footprint do you feel is possible to reduce? What parts don’t?
For me, I don’t think I can change the part about being a vegetarian, but I can change how much my parents spend on my, by not asking for new clothes and more snacks when I don’t need them.
Do some research on a water-based conflict in your country. Which communities have access to water, which ones don’t, and who controls the resource use?
California has a drought, but the Bay Area Water Supply & Conservations Agency is providing regional water supply planning for multiple cities, including San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Alameda County.