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My Virtual Profile- Dorinda Xiao

Environment   Jul 26, 2017 by Dorinda Xiao
  • A) What is your vision for a sustainable world?

My vision for a sustainable world is a world where everyone is caring and trying to help our environment. I am seeing a place with imperfections and problems, but it is not just a handful people working hard to make the world a better place, it is everyone. Everybody is giving a helping to save mother nature because they realize that nature plays a big part in their lives. People will be willing to go out of their ways to ride the bike or the bus and they will bring reusable bag with them when they go to the supermarket even though it might be inconvenient; the world will be more green and eco-friendly. People will try and they would care more for our Earth so Earth will be a place where there is peace, faith, hope, and love for the environment. Everyone will be noticing that if they do good to the world the world will do good to them.

  • B) What are you planning to do to make this vision a reality?

Something I plan on doing to make this reality true is to make a piece of art to show everyone how much we are part of this problem. I want to draw an image that shows the planet being partly destroyed due to the way we are treating it, but another part of it will be green with a clean and peaceful community which benefits from actions to do good to the planet (that part will be growing instead of the destroyed one), which will show hope. Also, I want it to show people that if they don’t take action, the Earth will be more ruined and eventually there will be no more good on Earth. I know that in the future I want a community or environment where everyone is changing and helping the world become a better place, but I know that now we aren’t there yet and that we still need to inspire people and raise awareness of our environment and the slow killer, global warming. Since global warming is a silent killer, it means the ending result could annihilate planet Earth. We should all take action on this issue instantly and while we still have a chance because we are the only capable of doing such thing and so we will keep our world, our home alive.

C) What impact has colonization had on our journey to a sustainable planet?

I believe that colonization has had a good and bad impact on our planet. The bad part would be if colonization dramatically increases at an unhealthy level, our world will be seeing a lot of deforestion (for the need of land) and a lot of carbon dioxide on Earth. However, the good part would be that people are realizing that golbal warming is a big problem, so more groups of people (new generation) will be using eco-friendly things in their everyday lives (electric cars, solar panels, etc.).


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1 Comment(s)

Carrie Karsgaard
Sep 26, 2017

Thanks for your post!

Can you please ensure you list your country name in your blog post so that other students and mentors know where you're coming from?

