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Costa Rica - Global Virtual Town Hall

Oct 26, 2017 by Juan Carbone

The unmanaged colonization caused carbon emissions. Colonization isn't bad, it's just not done the right way

Colonization: "A process by which a central system of power dominates the surrounding land and its components."

Carbonize: "To coat with carbon" in this project means towards the release of carbon gases into the atmosphere

Decarbonize and Decolonize means the opposite. But i have a different point of view. 

At the beginning colonization was unmanaged, meaning that the industrialization was out of control. Back then, people didn't think all the consequences this had to the planet. All the colonization caused excess carbone emissions. I believe that colonization isn't bad and instead of thinking that cutting it off muy be a solution, i know that a environmentally- friendly way of colonization is the solution. Colonization is the way we humans can evolve as a species. New and improved technologies may surface that can provide with useful innovations to the planet. 

So colonization isn't bad, but in order to keep a green and sane environment, we need to find the correct balance between colonization and nature. 

Recently we went to 2 different indigenous communities and they had things to say about REDD+. They didn't approve the ways REDD+ acts towards the protection of forests. When REDD+ finds an area they want to protect, they take it (even if its from indigenous communities) and pay the indigenous a small amount of money. For example in the community of Térraba, they were afraid that REDD+ would take their land, because they produced medicine from there and then sell them. If REDD+ took their land, their whole economy would collapse. 

The communities that we visited explained to us that some indigenous people were selling their land to some non-indigenous people (which is illegal). Their territory is taken piece by piece. These lots of land were deforested by the non indigenous (colonization). In Boruca, the indigenous people had to group up in huge numbers in order to overcome the non indigenous destroying their territory. During some time, they were having problems with water. They decided to start a reforestation process. In this process they had to choose the tree's species correctly so they could purify it and be available to consumption. In average both communities together planted about 450 000 trees. This helped to bring back animal species that were long gone like a jaguar that wasn't seen in the area for about 40 years. 

We as students, can contribute by planting trees to restore the balance between the different types of worlds. 

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1 Comment(s)

Sandra Ukaigwe
Oct 29, 2017

Hello Juan,

Nice to read your thoughts.... but I think that there is a misunderstanding of the word colonization.

The simple meaning of colonization in this context is " A process by which a central system of power dominates the surrounding land and its components" the key word is dominate, which is to control people. No group have the authority/right to control another group.

Another point is not to confuse technological advancement with colonization. No doubt technological advancement has brought many gains, but it should not be at the detriment of any particular set of people, otherwise it becomes oppression and colonialism. All relationships must be mutual to be considered adequate.

You can read more on colonization and lets share your thoughts.

Reforestation is a great idea, but indigenous people's opinion must be taken into consideration in issues regarding any decarbonisation project. Their knowledge of environmental sustainability is very valid.

On the subject of acceptance of REDD+, the people need to be informed about the benefits of community participation in such programs. Have you thought of ways to spread the information regarding this program in your community? People need to be correctly informed, so that they can make informed decision.

Great idea on environmental restoration, indeed we should all be involved in tree planting.

Nice one Juan, Lets continue to keep it green.....:)
