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Costa Rica: Climate Change is Our Shared Problem

Sep 26, 2017 by Gloria Gutierrez
  • What are the most relevant actions/targets proposed in SDG#13

The most relevant targets proposed were the first three. The first one explains the strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate change in all countries, if we achieve this target there will be less damage provoked by the natural disasters. For example in Costa Rica the buildings that are legally build need have precautions in case of an earthquake. The second target says we should incorporate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and plans. This target is one of the most important ones because if we do incorporate the measures in case of a natural disaster the population will be more prepare and will know what to do. In Florida knowing that Irma hurricane would approach, Florida´s government declared a state of emergency for every county in the state to ensure that local governments have enough time, resources and flexibility to get prepared for the hurricane Irma. An the last target states that improve education, awareness and human and institutional capacity in relation to climate change will let us adapt and be early warned in case of a natural disaster. If we know what’s coming we would take the precautions needed.

  • How do SDG #13 targets respond to the challenges created by the effects of climate change in water in both Indigenous and non-indigenous communities?

SDG#13 targets respond to the disasters created by the effects of climate change by preparing the population both indigenous and non indigenous in case of climate change. One of its targets talks about promoting mechanisms to enhance effective climate change planning and management capacity in the least developed countries and SIDS, this target counts for the indigenous communities.

  • What other areas do you think should be taken into account

I think that one area that should be taken in account is the ocean pollution. During hurricanes many trash ends up in the oceans and 70% of our planet is ocean. Many animals are dying because of the pollution in the water. We should do something about this soon or else instead of being 70% water it would be 70% trash.

  • What elements would you incorporate if you had to build and action/target that addressed water, Indigenous peoples, and non-indigenous people.

The most important source for us is water, if I had to incorporate something it should be water drainage. Now in day water is very hard to obtain, water is polluted and there are less places with clean water. We should know how to drain our water, this way we stop wasting it.

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1 Comment(s)

Sandra Ukaigwe
Oct 1, 2017

Great insights Gloria,

Increasing the adaptive capacity and resilience of our communities and is one of the most effective ways of adapting to climate change. Do you know the means of checking for compliance to the "earthquake resistant" building rules in your country or incorporating climate change measures into national strategies or policies? I will be interested in reading about it, please share.....:)

You are right, ocean pollution is fast becoming a global  environmental challenge just like climate change, and we all have to rise up to this challenge as well, at-least by letting people know the harm, this is causing our oceans.

Any ideas, on how the drainages will be incorporated into the solution for water challenges in indigenous communities? Great thinking....

Nice one Gloria, #thinkgreenremainsustainable....:)

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