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CILT Brazil Brasilia E6 Teacher: Denise Bomtempo. Group actions for a better world

Environment   Sep 19, 2017 by Ingrid Silva

    If we make the right choices, there is no limit to be reached in affecting climate change positively, anything can be possible. By reducing our individual carbon footprint, we can inspire other people to do the same and start acting in a similar way. If a huge number of people start doing what is the best for our planet, maybe we can change the way that industry system works because if most of the population goes on to live a different lifestyle of what they sell, they will must adjust and start to do what the community wishes so they can get their profit.

     Changing daily habits and reducing the actions that cause uncontrolled emissions of greenhouse gases isn´t easy but, we don´t have to change our actions dramatically overnight, we can start with simple things like reducing meat consumption, using less polluting means of transportation, walking or cycling to nearby places, separating the garbage so that it can be recycled and then reused without the need to increase the consumption of certain objects, reducing the number of baths taken per day and similar things. Simple things like these, however small they are, can make a big difference in the future.

     We´re planning to encourage our neighbors, our friends and our classmates to start acting more ecologically correct. Sometimes little acts like these make a huge difference and together we can save our planet and keep it save to the next generations. 

Authors: Ingrid da Silva Carneiro; Jordana Pereira de Almeida; Gabrielle Pereira de Oliveira; Andressa Alves Pereira; Amanda Mayumi Matsumoto Nobre; Gláucia N Pereira; Pedro Igor Silva; Milena Andrade da Silva; Beatriz Ferreira de Sousa; Matheus Vinicius; Natan de Farias Lima; Micaella Arébalo Pereira; Brandon de Oliveira Azevedo; Lorrana da Costa Rezende; Felipe Oliveira Pereira de Sousa; Estela Cândido Tenório; Amanda Biano

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2 Comment(s)

Elliot Damasah
Sep 23, 2017

Well done Ingrid! your point is well made.

Elliot Damasah
Sep 22, 2017

Excellent piece! well done! Certainly, there is no limit on what we can achieve and we ought to make changes that will make our world much safer and environmentally friendly. You guys made a good point when you stated that the needed changes have to be gradual. Likewise, your plan to create awareness and encourage others to behave "more ecologically correct" is key to climate change. From what I have read, I can concluded that you guys have been impacted by these simulations.


Given that you guys wrote this excellent piece as a group, can you strike an average of the ecological carbon print and communicate that to me? Also, how does the simulation relate to your individual communities?

Ingrid Silva
Sep 22, 2017

Hi Elliot, Thanks for your comment. Answering your question, as a group our ecological carbon footprint results were very similar, sadly, we all had bad results especially with the topics "meat consumption" and "transport means", happily these two topics are a little bit easier to change. We can eating less meat and maybe turn vegetarian besides, we can look for alternative ways to transport into places.

The simulation wasn't a hundred percent equal our individual communities, but the questions were very alike so it gave us the opportunity to start thinking about our actions and things like these.