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CILT,Brasília, Brazil, Teacher Marcia, 3C, Simulations to Protect Earth.

Sep 15, 2017 by Juliana Pereira

Activity 1b

Simulations to protect mother Earth

The simulation we could do on the internet about our ecological footprint, serves to raise awareness in every community around the globe. This simulation is a good suggestion to influence people to change their habits, because if people do not change their habits the planet will be lacking resources soon. Besides, those simulations show us how many planets we would need to survive in case we do not change our daily lives routine.

In addition, those simulations about climate change are ways to see and understand how the planet is in brutal situation and we are actually killing it without noticing it.Playing those little games online, make us notice how technology is a helpful and nice tool that we can use in favor of our planet. It can make a big difference in people`s lives around the world. Seeing how much water, gases, energy and meat we are using make us understand that there are ways to control our actions.

Most important, it makes us all realize, that we all have a task in reflecting about this climate change crises, as well as trying to find some sustainable solutions for it.

While playing the online game, I tried to invest on sustainable resources. I thought the best way to help earth was to encourage other nations by investing on green resources.

Well, I have been thinking about the future generations, and I really need to take care of my future kids and their kids as well. If I really want to ensure their lives, I will have to change my daily routine. For example, I will stop using my cell phone everywhere, I will not go anywhere near or far from home by car, I will throw the trash in the trash.

However, the strategies I have been making about reducing greenhouses emissions have not been effective. It´s difficult to convince other nations to reduce their own CO2 emissions because everybody wants to make profit, and for this, it is hard to control the CO2 emission. Even if everyone around the world agreed, it would be difficult to make all the countries a sustainable place. All of the presidents should invest in their green economy in order not to destroy the world. Of course, that is not just politician’s responsibility, we should care about the small things we are doing as well. If each one of us on the Earth were able to recycle our garbage, there would not have much pollution in the world.

On the other hand, water is a resource that every human being needs, but we have not given it the proper value. Nowadays, we have been facing in Brazil a great problem of water scarcity.In São Paulo, for example, last year, the people there were for days without water. In Brasilia, the lack of rain and unrestrained waste triggered water rationing.

We can notice that people waste water with ordinary, disregarded things like washing their hair, some women, for example, need about 30 to 40 minutes to have a shower. In our society, there are other issues that must be solved, like washing cars with hoses, brushing teeth with the faucet opened, doing the dishes with the faucet opened. Unfortunately, those are some bad examples of a huge water waste that Brazil faces.Finally, we, as citizens and workers, have the responsibility to promote a sustainable world. For this, we need to adopt simple habits and create ways to raise awareness of people that are wasting water. This is a global problem and if it is not solved soon, the water resource, which is essential for us to survive, will no longer exist.

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1 Comment(s)

Elliot Damasah
Sep 21, 2017

Hello Marcia, 

I am Elliot, and I am your mentor for this program.

You have touched on some important points -  awareness and the fact that people should changes their lifestyle and that failure to do so will soon result in lack of resources for our planet. I am happy that the simulations has influenced you to invest in sustainable energy.

You are right when you say it is difficult to convince others to reduce their emission especially when money is involved. I like the points you raised about water usage. My question is, how does your water usage differ from people in your community?

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