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United States: 1a My Virtual Profile

Environment   Jul 25, 2017 by cedricchan

What is your vision for a sustainable world?

My vision for a sustainable world is a world where people live in harmony both with each other and the environment, only using natural resources at the rate they can be replenished. In this world, people would no longer release gases that would harm the environment. Transportation would be fast and efficient, effectively getting people to places without using harmful fuel. There would be no wars between countries; instead, countries would share resources and ideas to help improve society and the environment. Governments would act with their citizens’ best intentions in mind without corruption. People will be able to be themselves and express their ideas and beliefs without fear of the government. Cities would expand to support the increased population without destroying the natural habitats of the surrounding area. Habitats would be preserved to keep indigenous plants and animals from going extinct. In fact, these species would grow in population and live in the way that they would without humans. Scientists would discover new ways to generate energy. All people would have their basic needs met whether it be food, housing, or money. More jobs would be created that people enjoy so that they can lead happier, healthier lives. People around the world will communicate with each other to share ideas and connect. Resources will be reused or recycled so that nothing goes to waste.

What are you planning to do to make this vision a reality?

I am planning to make this vision a reality by working with my school and local community to help raise awareness about issues in the world so that people can take action. Individually, I will use products that are less harmful to the environment so that personally, I am not harming the environment. I will reuse or recycle things after I use them so that people don’t take more from the environment. Be raising awareness, I can help get more people around the world to change their daily habits so that they each are leading clean, sustainable lifestyles. When many people all around the world do this, it will make a positive impact on a global level.

What impact has colonization had on our journey to a sustainable planet?

Colonization has impacted the journey to a sustainable planet because of what it introduced to the different parts of the world. As people colonized in different areas of the world, they destroyed natural habitats of animals, growing constantly to the point where the animals had nowhere to live. They also drove native people, who did not have as advanced technology, out using their guns and bombs. As technology and weaponry advanced, people used weapons that destroyed large portions of the environment. And, people are constantly developing new things and consuming more and more natural resources to do so.

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1 Comment(s)

Summer Cowley
Aug 29, 2017

Hi Cedric,

My name's Summer and I'm one of your mentors for Decarbonize COP23. Thanks for sharing your post!

I like how you opened your post talking about a vision of harmony and peace between people and land. Could you tell me about any societies you know where the connection between land and people is very strong or important? Also, I'm wondering about any differences you can think of between those societies and societies in which the connection is weaker; does technology play any role in those differences or is that beside the point?

Thanks again and talk to you soon!

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