Megan's carbon footprint

Environment   Oct 27, 2020 by Megan

Looking at the results of my carbon footprint has made me realize the contribution of carbon admissions through my transportations alone. I didn't realize that I emitted 4623kg of carbon that was sent out very yearly just from me alone. To realize that myself alone contributes that much to our greenhouse admissions amaze me horrifically.  I feel the need to focus more on my transportation choices when I do have the choice between a walk, bike, or car. 

Also looking at my home production of carbon emissions surprised me that I produce the same amount of home and transportation emissions every year. Producing  4607kg every year, made me realize I am not very friendly to our earth, even when I try my best to make environmentally friendly choices such as

  1. mixing laundry with my family to reduce water usage
  2. using cold water for laundry
  3. always putting the thermostat below 18(try to)
  4. never using the fireplace more than 2 times a year
  5. not using the dishwasher(so hand washing)
  6. and only using the dryer when needed

Even after making so many altercations, my average admissions came to be 18 133kg. I feel like becoming more aware of my transportation, food, purchase, and home choices have made me rethink the amount of effort I could put into reducing my carbon footprint. Finding out for our earth environment to be stable, everyone's carbon footprint would have to be around 1000kg per year amazes me on how far we are from our objective to keeping our earth healthy and clean from our pollutants. It is definitely sad to see the progression we have made to destroying our environment, but I am glad to see people trying to make a difference.

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