Chloe, Calgary, Canada: My Carbon Footprint

Environment   Nov 8, 2020 by Chloe MacGregor

Through calculating my carbon footprint it put many things into perspective especially the fact that if everyone lived the way I do we would need 2.5 times the planet we have now, to be able to sustain it. In my house we have a dishwasher as well as washer and dryer; before I calculated my carbon footprint I was not aware of how much the water usage per load, of these appliances  actually affected my overall total.  As Calgary gets pretty cold at least 8  months out of the year our heater is usually on as well leading to an increase in my footprint. I personally live a vegetarian lifestyle by choice however my family are very much meat eaters. As a whole we try to avoid unnecessary packaging and plastic bag use by shopping at local or eco conscious stores, for this we do have a below average carbon count when compared to the rest my province.  In my city, province, and even Canada many households have these things and as they are so relatively at our disposal it makes the footprint of the country increase, excessively.  Transportation is huge for me as I live on the edge of the city. I drive to and from school everyday because public transit isn't always an option, however I carpool to try and offset this. As a result there are many things myself and family should work on that would decrease our carbon footprint even if it is like not buying into fast fashion and trying to buy more used then brand new. We could also look into putting more energy efficient options in our home such as solar panels.   

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4 Comment(s)

Riley Herrod
Nov 15, 2020

Hey Chloe, like your home, we have many appliances that heavily affect our Carbon Footprint, but what is a major difference between your carbon footprint and mine is that where I live its hot for 6 months of the year and the 6 months is a tolerable cool so we dont need any heaters on, but sometimes we light campfires to warm ourselves. Our Public transportation is terrible, we have the facilities for example, buses and taxis, but they are so out of shape and the price changes a lot of the time so they are generally avoided and a personal vehicle is used. Like you we are all trying to reduce our carbon emissions drastically


Abigail Evennett
Nov 15, 2020

Hi Chloe,

By the sound of it you are very conscious of how you can furtherly decrease your carbon footprint. I hope that cities find a more carbon reducing method of transportation because that it one of the largest impacting factors that contribute to carbon footprints. Are there any programs at your school that contribute to fight climate change or decrease carbon emissions?


Abby Townsville, Australia 

Paige Stanek
Nov 15, 2020

Hi Chloe,

It is very interesting hearing about your carbon footprint and perspective on typical use of appliances in your household. I've gained further knowledge on how I could implement more energy efficient options from your  lifestyle to  mine. I look forward to collaborating with you more in the future of this project!

Isabella Hockaday
Nov 11, 2020

Hey Chloe!!

Its so great to here that you are vegetarian, I am actually trying to go off meat as much as possible too. Sounds like you make a pretty good effort to lower your carbon footprint! Keep up the good work :)

Bella- Townsville, Australia

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