3.1 BILATERAL Conversations (Oct 25- Nov 7)


Bilateral Dialogue Overview

Policies are simply set of representations, expectations and intentions, package of ideas, processes and outcomes (and sometimes weapons of advocacy or means of intervention) chosen by a group of people, or people in authority, to address a problem. Through policies, concerns, value conflicts, political disagreements are brought into the public eye, and to policy makers attention, for action.  

A crucial step in policy framing is problem identification. Through previous activities, you have identified various climate change related challenges that affect people around the globe  and also limit their ability to decarbonize and decolonize.  Most importantly, you have identified workable solutions like the Talanoa strategy

The Talanoa strategy can also be applied in policy framing, because Indigenous knowledge provides strong foundation for framing local and national adaptation and mitigation policies - while scientific knowledge is applied mostly at international level. Combining the two knowledge systems will make climate policies more robust, practical, and cost effective.


We have created bilateral partners, you can find your country partner HERE. 

TEACHERS: Please contact the educator you have been paired with to arrange for a video conference - using Skype, Hangouts, Zoom, etc. (If you need help coordinating these meetings, please let me know as soon as possible). Partners are listed HERE

You will need to have at least two meetings with your bilateral partner, preferably three. The meetings could follow this structure:

  1. Introductions - School, country, students, etc.
  2. Present on case study - Template for Google Slides HERE
  3. Questions for bilateral partners - Students have the opportunity to reflect on the presentations and create questions. Students should identify similarities/differences/challenges/ possible short & long term solutions. Students are encouraged to dig deeper into the information and discuss mitigation strategies that were proposed. Consider questions such as, 'How do equity and the Talanoa principles play into the conversations?'

Please email Sarah by October 4 if you have not been able to set up a time for your bilateral conversations.

Bilateral Meeting: BLOG or Venn Diagram - Post HERE

  • In groups or alone, either write up OR use this Venn Diagram template to illustrate a summary of the bi-lateral experience
    • What did you learn from the other students?
    • How were their case studies similar and different to yours?
    • How were there challenges similar and different to yours?
  • Post your blog/diagram HERE
  • Read and comment on at least 3 other posts 

**If you are having difficulties with language, use GOOGLE TRANSLATE to help - Write in your first language, select English, and then hit "Translate" You can copy and paste this English version of your text into your blog post, comment, or discussion.

Continue to 3.2 POST-BILATERALS: Climate Justice (Nov 8-14) »

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