Ghana vs Canada climate change meeting reflection

Environment   Dec 10, 2020 by gavin

the bilateral meeting my class had in which with Ghana was vary interesting. our climate change problems are both alike and vary different and it strikes my interest with how. Ghana and Canada are the same for instance as we both have rising sea levels, but it affects us differently. in Canada the effect of the rising sea levels is lower then Ghana. in Ghana it floods destroying homes and sabotaging the way of life such as transportation, work, and school. in Canada the rising sea levels affect less as if they are not rising, but noticeable. this also is creating branched other problems such as loss of habitat, over fished areas, and the effect of the animals adaptation. climate change is also causing changes of seasons throughout the year on both Canada and Ghana. but the end affect can be different. for example Canadas winters are getting shorter and summers getting longer, in Ghana there is less rain fall. these country's have different resources for fixing the problems and both the countries big ideas of climate change in the area also break down a chain in which causing different smaller problems from the main point. 

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