Alaska Brook and Regan USA

Environment   Nov 2, 2020 by Brook Fischer

We learned a lot from both places we can also relate to both issues that are affecting California (wild fires) and Argentina (uranium mine). The mine is effecting the environment, animals, and people around the area the damage that the mind is causing sadly the government has done little to nothing to stop it or help reverse some of the damage. In California the wild fires are destroying habitats, hurting animals, and humans the smoke from the fires is not safe to breathe and can keep you stuck in your home for days. The fires are also destroying the red wood trees California is known for. California has many wildfires which we can definitely relate too Alaska has many wildfires every year we burned around 4.4 million acres this 2020 summer about the same amount as Cali, unlike Cali our fires arent nearly as close to the general population as California's. We can relate to Argentina's uranium mine with our pebble mind weve been fighting the idea of this mine for years now because it would be detrimental to our salmon population, unlike Argentina our mine hasn't happened yet and hopefully it never will because like Argentina the damage will be horrible. Some of the challenges like Argentina its hard to get the government involved and against the mine because of the money involved in it. Like California its hard yo control something so natural and big its hard to stop a fire that started naturally but we could try to prevent man made ones that get out of hand by teaching more fire safety.

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2 Comment(s)

Nov 18, 2020

Hi, Alaska and Regan my name is Will Adams and i'm from Townsville Australia

I really enjoyed your post. However it was very sad to hear that wildfires are not just effecting the environment but the wildfires and the mine is also hurting animals as well as people. Down in Australia we also have had many wildfires that are effecting the environment and also the animals as well. it is very sad to hear that the wildfires are still going in California.

Nov 12, 2020

Hi, I am a student from Calgary, Canada.

I love your post about the redwood trees, and how they are in danger due to the environmental changes challenging their existence. I would definitely love to learn more about how different species of trees are in a vulnerable state due to the climate change symptoms they are fighting against.

Cheers from Canada EH:)

Writing from my igloo, and sipping on my maple syrup!!

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