5.1. ACTION: Let's Make Change! (Dec - Apr)


#Decarbonize Action Projects

What action and awareness are your students, school, and community undertaking to fight climate change and bring voice, space, and understanding of the power of youth to create change? We want to hear from YOU!


Climate change is here. As its impact intensifies over time, it is the children and young people of today who will face the worst effects.

But far from being passive victims, young people all over the world have begun to fight back on a scale never seen before. Take Greta Thunberg. In 2018, the 15-year-old from Sweden sparked a global movement of school-age students demanding greater action from governments to fight climate change. Now millions are marching to demonstrate their support.

Whether through education, technology, science, or law ─ young people far and wide are tapping into their skills to speak up for climate action.

At the Centre for Global Education , we are committed to helping young people take action to protect the future of our planet. We do this by raising youth voices on the climate crisis and by increasing youth participation to address climate change.

This is your opportunity to build leadership skills, network with like-minded people, and implement climate solutions in your community. The time to act is NOW.

Need help developing your action plan? UNESCO has designed this amazing project planner tool: 

UNESCO Project Planner Top Tips for Youth Action

(Available in English, French, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic & Russian)

The UNESCO Project Planner is divided into six sections that encompass the project cycle, which refers to the different phases of a project. In each section, you will find basic information and aspects to keep in mind through a series of guidance and self-reflection questions. Finally, at the end of each stage, there are links to different resources, tools and guidelines that can provide you with further details.


On December 9 we will come togther and set our goals in moving forward into 2021 and COP26 in Scotland. On April 22, 2021, EARTH DAY, we will come together again to celebrate the work you have accomplished. We can't wait to see your #Decarbonize Action!

Continue to 6. Artists for Change - #Art4Climate (Sept - Dec) »

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  • zachary Gallery comment:  1463.8 days ago