Dion Jaworski, Townsville, Australia, My Carbon Footprint

Environment   Oct 13, 2020 by Dion Jaworski, Townsville, Australia

Using the ISCFC website, I was able to calculate my carbon footprint.  After answering the required questions, my footprint was calculated to be approximately 5,315kg or Carbon dioxide per year.  From these results, it could be seen that I am responsible for the production 6,456kg less CO2 than the average Australian, and 1,524kg more than the average human.

Generally, I only purchase things when I really need too, and I am happy to get things second-hand as well.  I also do not need to travel very far at all on a daily basis, due to the small size of the city I live in. These factors are what help me keep my carbon footprint well below the Australian average.

I do, however, still exceed the average human footprint by 1,524kg per year. I could reduce this number by attempting to eat less meats and more vegetable-based products.

Taking this test has challenged me, as well as educating me further, in terms of where I stand on a global level.

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3 Comment(s)

Hi, Dion! 

Congrats on having your CO2 emissions lesser than the emissions of your region!!

Also, it's great that you live in a small city and don't have to take many means of transportation that emit high levels of CO2. I live in a really big city, so, unfortunately, I have to go to many places by car :/. 

Greetings from Brazil!

Brook and Regan
Oct 14, 2020

We totally agree! This project really puts things into perspective regarding waste generation. This is the same site we used, and love how it shows you the regional comparison and the global comparison.

Oct 13, 2020


Your blog was very intresting and has helped educate me more on your carbon footprint in comparision to Australia's. I do have a question, will you really try to cut down on your meat and eat more like a vegan?

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