julian, Buenos Aires, Argentina,My carbon footprint

Environment   Oct 23, 2020 by julian

My carbon footprint is 13.4 tons of CO2, which was big shock to me, because i always considered myself a “green person” and thought I did no major damage to our planet, but I could not be more far from the truth. As I said before my carbon footprint is 13.4 tons which is highly above the Argentinian average which is 8.4 and after realizing this, I started thinking about what I am doing that damages that much and discussed it with my family. 

After exceedingly long “debates” we coincided that we need to do something and searched for ways of doing so. The biggest change we implemented is trying to reduce how many times we use the car and try to go walking if possible or bike. Also, we reduced the quantity of meat we eat weekly as we found out the meat producing releases enormous quantities of green house gases released by this industry. We bought reusable products and stopped buying disposable products and started recycling our waste, which was a small action but contributed a lot.

Working on this project helped me “open my eyes” and saw how much I damaged by my lifestyle. With this project I wanted to raise awareness, but to do so, first I need to learn from other students and their points of view

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2 Comment(s)

It's very interesting how so many little things can build up into such a big impact, it really shows how while big things are important, we also need to focus on the small things as well. It would be amazing if more people were like you and not only realised what they are doing but try to rectify it, it really is quite inspiring. 

Tara Woods
Nov 4, 2020

I too only realised after doing the quiz that my personal carbon footprint was so high. Those are really good ideas about reducing your carbon footprint. Have you also tried composing your food waste/scraps if changing your food choices is unavoidable?

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