Kiera, Townsville, Australia, My Carbon Footprint

Oct 7, 2020 by Kiera Croghan

The average carbon footprint in Australia is 11,771kg however, my carbon footprint is 8,569kg per year. This information is somewhat accurate because for several of the questions I was unsure on what my family did, and had to go off the averages for the country. Despite this, I do travel by car majority of the time and use lots of electronic appliances, which should be limited to reduce the amount of carbon emissions I release.

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1 Comment(s)

Hey Kiera, I'm wondering where your picture of results are? Although it's completely fine with me, I do wonder though, how does your footprint reflect the economy/ status/ location/ politics of the country? And what new ideas or realizations EXTENDED or pushed your thinking in new directions? - Princess

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