Abbi, Townsville, Australia: My Carbon Footprint

Environment   Sep 17, 2020 by Abbi Booth

My carbon footprint has show’s a very level of earths used. This is a reality as I live in Australia which is a much further developed country with lots of advanced forms of technology which we all use in our everyday lives. I believe my carbon footprint is so high because my family happen to work with a lot of technology and therefore bring home a lot of technology for those in the house. My carbon footprint has made me come to the realisation that I need to be more serious about my level of technology usage. However, I am still confused as to why my carbon footprint is so high compared to others, as I personally believe I do not live that different to other families.

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1 Comment(s)

Kiera Croghan
Oct 11, 2020

Hi Abbi. Your post is very interesting. I've read that the average carbon footprint in Australia is much higher than the worldly average so I wouldn't worry about it. Although, how do you think you could reduce your footprint?

Abbi Booth
Nov 19, 2020

I could try cutting down on the amount of air-conditioning myself and my family use. I could also carpool more often to places I usually go.

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