Hollie Vincent: My Carbon Footprint

Environment   Nov 18, 2020 by Hollie

My carbon footprint was higher than I thought it would be, I didn't realise how much carbon I was producing, but I was happy knowing my carbon footprint is below the Australian average. When comparing my results to my peers, they weren't much different to theirs. I do use a fair bit of electricity, but do try to switch on lights and appliances that don't need to be on during the day when I'm at school. 

I live in a single story house and due to it being summer the aircons are on most of the time, but we do set timers on our main aircon in the living room and so it only turn on about half an hour before we get home till we turn them off ourselves when we go to bed. We also don't use the aircons or fans during the winter as my house can get quite cold and instead of using a heater to warm the house up, we just use blankets and jumpers when we get cold. We do use lights more often then we should and tend to leave on lights that we don't need.

When it comes to food usage and wastage, my family and I don't waste that much food, but we could start composting our scraps to make sure that nothing goes to waste.  We also recycle all our plastics, glass, and cans whenever we can which is majority of the time. 

I use a car as transportation to get to school and often don't go to school using any other form of transportation. I used to ride my bike to school earlier in the year and could do that again but due to the heat in Townsville, it can get tiring.

Overall, I am happy with my carbon footprint but could do a lot more that will help to reduce it

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