Elliot, Townsville, Australia: My Carbon Footprint

Environment   Oct 4, 2020 by Elliot Brinkman


Your region:


1,209 kgs

4,389 kgs


1,881 kgs

3,696 kgs


398 kgs

1,027 kgs


2,387 kgs

2,659 kgs

To determine my carbon footprint, I used an online carbon footprint calculator (https://depts.washington.edu/i2sea/iscfc/fpcalc.php) and obtained the results displayed in the table above. My carbon footprint reflects the economy status and politics of Australia because Australia has a relatively stable economy, is a developed country, and has an established and strong government. All of these factors are common in countries that have high CO2 emission rates. From my carbon footprint calculator results, it is evident that I have a moderate rate of CO2 emission, which is below average of my region. Seeing my CO2 emissions in numbers made me realise that what my parents would teach me about turning lights off and not using air-condition in cool times etc., actually makes a difference. The transportation emission also reflects the use of vehicles, as we travel regularly, and are quite a social family.

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1 Comment(s)

Very nice! I liked your use of big words and the way you composed your sentences. It made you sound very smart!

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