Ceilidh, Townsville, Australia, my carbon footprint

Environment   Oct 8, 2020 by Ceilidh Hubbard, Townsville, Australia

I used the zero footprint youth calculator to calculate
my carbon footprint. As seen in the image above I create a carbon footprint of 7.87 tonnes. This is a big difference to the world average footprint of 4.88 tonnes, but it is nowhere near the Australian average of around 15  tones.

The reasoning for Australians having such a high carbon footprint is because Australia is a highly developed country and it also produces a lot of coal as well. Australia uses a lot of fossil fuels with coal being used as the mass generator of energy at 75% of electricity generation. Only 7% of the energy is renewable with solar, hydro and wind.

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3 Comment(s)

Hi Ceilidh!

I was wondering what you could do to reduce your personal Carbon footprint? Also, what do you think Australia could do to reduce it's carbon usage? Looking forward to hearing back!

- Amelia :)

Kiera Croghan
Oct 11, 2020

Hi ceilidh, I see you used a different calculator to me. Was this one easy to use? Why do you think your carbon footprint is so much larger than the world average?

Hey Ceilidh, thanks for providing information about Australia- and how we have such a high carbon footprint. Albeit I am curious about the reasons for your carbon footprint, what do you use less and more?

Thanks for answering Ceilidh! that answers most of my question- the only thing I'm curious about now is to how that would compare to our regions utilization of transportation, electricity and water. Do you reckon that you use more or less in certain aspects when compared to our region?

Thanks for asking Princess!,  I drive to school, but i bike to other places like the servo and parks and other places. I do tend to use a lot of air conditioning, but only at night. Nobody stays at the house during weekdays because my mum works and my siblings go to school so we use no power then except for necessary thing like a fridge. In my house hold we do use a top loader and use a dryer so there is a lot of electricity usage there.  I don't waste water though i try and have efficient showers around 5 mins and I don't run the tap while i brush my teeth. Hope this answers your question. - Ceilidh

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