carbon footprint task

Environment   Dec 8, 2020 by gavin

I used the zero carbon footprint calculator.
my carbon footprint: 7.06 tons
average in Canada: 20 tons
global average: 4.88 tons

When I finished the survey and clicked the calculate button, I was vary surprised with my results, thinking they were bad, which they are but not bad for a person who lives in Canada. I emit 7 tons per year and read that the average Canadian emits around 20 tons per year. when I read the average Canadians I first thought that the calculator must be wrong or I made a mistake. now don't get me wrong I do believe that this calculation is off by at least another 7 tons but at the same time I realized my footprint is definitely bellow average and that's what matters the most to give myself a pat on the back.

when it comes to the biggest things that emits the most carbon, I don't use them. I walk to school or take the bus if I had to go somewhere because my parent does not own a car for health illegal reasons. everything we need to live is provided to us by our neighbor market, so I don't travel much. I also live in a town house, a vary small house with three people. we do have incandescent light bulbs but they are rarely on because we aren't home much, but because of the pandemic I am home more but I use LEDS in my workspace anyways. my family recycles almost everything. in the end, one thing I think my home  can do to help lower our footprint even more is to compost. 

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