Clarabelle, Sophie, and Kaitlyn, Los Altos, USA: My Carbon Footprint

Environment   Oct 17, 2020 by Clarabelle

We used the Zero Footprint Youth Calculator to determine our carbon footprint. All of our results were just around the average use of carbon footprint for the average person. We think that our diet probably has the biggest impact on our carbon footprint because all of us are not vegetarian/vegan, which increases our carbon footprint by a lot. We also noticed how there was no option for choosing that you have not traveled recently or that you aren’t commuting to school or work at all, which definitely raised our footprint by a considerable amount. Right now, especially in the US, people aren’t traveling or driving as much and there also isn’t much public transportation that’s even available. All of these factors have lowered our footprint and caused us to be more mindful of how much energy we actually need to be using on a daily basis. Something that all of us can do to start to lower our carbon footprint is eating cleaner, whether that’s slowly transitioning into becoming vegetarian, or just eating 1 vegetarian meal a day. We can, once we go back to school, bike more often or carpool with others too. Even though this may seem like a slow transition at first, after a period of time you can look back and discover how much your carbon footprint has lowered even if it is just one vegetarian meal a day. We should all stop and realize how, even the smallest efforts, if done daily or weekly, can actually make a change for the better of our world.

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1 Comment(s)

Hi there,

I definitely agree that even small differences can have a great impact in the long run. There are hundreds of students in this program and if we all do something to reduce our individual carbon footprints, we will have a large reduction as a whole. The idea to have at least one vegetarian meal a day is a smart idea and I will ask mum parents about it. This is because I will be able to improve my diet and still enjoy a nice steak. Good job.

Thomas, Tsv, Aus

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