Jaden, Calgary, Canada: My Carbon Footprint

Environment   Nov 8, 2020 by Jaden Tomaszewski

My family of 3 lives in a 4 bedroom house, which is space we don't necessarily need. Because it is at our fingertips, we use a dishwasher to clean our dishes and a laundry machine to wash and dry our clothes. We also run the heat a lot during winter months because of the freezing temperatures. As well, I could definitely work harder to turn the lights off when they aren't being used. In my province most everyone has access to things in their home that largely increase our carbon footprint, and we don't always think about their effects on the environment because we have never had to live any different. 

 As much as we can, we try to buy organic foods and foods with less packaging which is one of the reasons food is  significantly lower than the average in my province when talking about its contribution to my carbon footprint. 

My family as a whole does not buy new things very often as we try to get the most use out of the things we buy as possible. One thing I do have more of than I need is clothes and I need to work on only buying things I really need.

Transportation for me is huge. I live a distance away from my school that is too far to walk or ride my bike so I drive myself every day. As well, I play soccer 5 times a week and my training centre is all the way across the city,  about a 45 minute drive, which adds a lot to my footprint. Although my car gets pretty good fuel efficiency, I could work harder at finding alternative methods of transportation, such as carpooling, public transportation, etc. 

I thought my carbon footprint would be close to that of other people where I live, so was surprised to discover that mine is higher than the average. My carbon footprint being so high really reflects the privilege a lot of people in my province have. The average footprint in my province is just about 5 times higher than the average worldwide, and that tells me how fortunate I am to have things I would consider a necessity at my fingertips and easily accessible at any time.  

Seeing the difference in carbon footprints around the world really made me think about how, in such a technologically advanced society where I live, we can not find a better way to achieve everyday tasks that could be more environmentally friendly. 

I still find it hard to believe the significant difference between carbon footprints where I live and different parts of the world. I would like to learn more about what differences we have in our every day lives and how we adapt to those differences. 

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6 Comment(s)

Nov 15, 2020

Hello Jaden,

Even though your carbon footprint is higher than average due to transportation, It is good to see that you are self aware of your actions and lifestyle choices which effect the environment.

I think instead of using things like the dishwasher, you could wash your dishes by hand now and then in order to save water. 

It is also interesting to see that you were surprised by your carbon footprint. A lot of people find themselves thinking they have lifestyle choices wich dont effect the environment much however you come to realise that you have a major impact towards it, this is very relatable and interesting to see.

Overall nice blog Jaden, hope you make more positive actions towards the environment and climate change,

Kind Regards,

Kiruthika :)

angus shephard
Nov 15, 2020

Hello Jaden 

Its good to see that most of your emissions are below average however your transport is very high and so was mine until i started riding everywhere its just something to be aware of and look into if your keen. 

Australia average carbon footprint is only 11000 but i guess we don't have to heat anything. 

Well i hope you have fun and learn as much as i intend to, have a good one!

Brandon Ebdon
Nov 15, 2020

Hi Jaden, when I read about your household carbon use, I found it really surprising and shocking  because compared to my carbon use from my home, yours was about  4 times more, I hope that you are able to come up with some strategies to be able to reduce as much carbon emissions from your home as possible.

Ullysis Santiago
Nov 15, 2020

Hey Jaden, this is really informational on how you acknowledge your carbon footprint and that you would like to make a change to decrease your carbon footprint.

Sincerely, Ullysis :0

Hi Jaden, even though your carbon footprint is higher than average because of transport, its good to see that in all the other aspects you were under. I hope you can find new ways to lower your emission levels.

Jai, Australia 

Nov 11, 2020

Hi Jaden,

It's really interesting learning about how your carbon footprint is higher than average but only because of your level of transportation. I too, used to play soccer and we had to travel a lot to go to carnivals and games. I hope you find new innovative ways to improve your carbon footprint. Thank you for sharing!

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