Jestin Shinode, Townsville, Australia: My Carbon Footprint

Environment   Oct 12, 2020 by Jestin Shinode, Townsville, Australia

To determine my carbon footprint, I used an online carbon footprint calculator ( and obtained the results displayed above. The average CO2 ­produced by Australians each year is 11,771kgs. My foot print is below this average (9,371 kg) which means small changes to my life style has had major effects on my overall emissions. Townsville is a small region with everything we need at close proximity which has meant that transport is low. Everything is also quite close together which means most places are in walking distance or a short drive away. Another factor which helps reduce my CO­2 emissions is that my uses mostly solar energy and we reuse an recycle.

There are areas that I could work on to have an even lower carbon footprint. Stop eating (or Eat Less) meat, unplug devices when not in use, drive less and use means of transport, plant a garden, and eat local (and Organic) grown food. Overall I would like to further reduce my carbon footprint in areas such as food and encourage other people to take a carbon footprint quiz so they can do the same.

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1 Comment(s)

Nov 11, 2020

Hello Jestin,

Good Information !!

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