Davis Ryland's Carbon footprint

Oct 13, 2020 by Davis

As shown in the image above, my total carbon footprint is slightly below the average household’s carbon footprint. With mine being 10,183, and the average being 11,771. Due to the constant heat in Townsville, my household has a relatively high carbon foot print as we like to use air conditioners and fans. And during the cold months, we like to use heaters. Relating back to the results, my home category is higher than the average, to reduce this, I will use my fan at night instead of an air conditioner and instead of using the TV more often I will go outside and go to the park for a run.

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3 Comment(s)

angus shephard
Nov 15, 2020

Hello Davis

Its great to see that your taking an imitative to lower your carbon emissions and that you are actively seeking to lower them.  And its good to see that your below average. i like going for runs to we have a lot in common well i hope you enjoy this task have fun. 

Angus australia

Mitchell Brown
Nov 11, 2020

Hi Davis,

I think it's really good that you are trying to stay under the national average. I believe that you're solution to lowering your carbon footprint is very efficient.

- Mitchell, Townsville, Australia

Hi Davis, that's really good that your staying under the average carbon emission level of 11,771. Its also good to here about how you are trying to lower yours by going for a run instead of watching tv and using your fan instead of air conditioning. I look forward to hearing more about your lifestyle in Townsville and how the climate is effecting it.

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