Catalina G. Biron, Buenos Aires, Argentina: My carbon footprint

Oct 22, 2020 by Catalina Gonzalez Biron

Since I was a child I found it very interesting that many small acts could affect something as big as the Earth. Since then I have always tried to do my best, thinking about the positive impacts that my actions could have. One day I calculated my carbon footprint and realized that I was not doing the best I could 100%. It was much higher than the Argentine average and I realized that throwing garbage in the streets was not the only way to damage the earth and recycling was not the only way to help solve it. I realized that my diet also affected this issue since the production of meat, which I consume regularly, produces and releases many greenhouse gases. The fact that you live in a city and drive to many places also releases greenhouse gases. I always saw the Earth as something beautiful and I would love to learn about ways to help solve this type of issues.

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3 Comment(s)

Hi Catalina,

I have also had an interesting the earth and would love to learn new ways to decrease my carbon foot print. Do you have any other suggestions?

Abigail Evennett
Nov 15, 2020

Hi Catalina!

I found your carbon post very interesting. I agree that the way that we eat can majorly affect how much carbon is emitted and that everyone should start eating more organic, environmentally safe packaged and more vegetable prominent meals. You should also try riding a bike, skateboard or walk to more places if they are relatively close so you don't have to ride in cars as much.  

Thankyou for this,

Abby-Townsville, Australia

Nov 10, 2020

Hey Catalina, 

It was interesting to see your change of perspective in the effects for global warming. How much meat do you think would effect your carbon footprint?

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