Anastasia,Greece,Athens:My carbon footprint

Environment   Oct 23, 2020 by GEN-AnastasiaE

When I was calculating my footprint( 4,254 kgs) I noticed that it was low compared to the average footprint of my country( 9,045 kgs), however it is higher than the average footprint worldwide( 3,791 kgs).As far as I am concerned this phenomenon can be explained pretty easily because I live in a climate zone in Greece that isn’t particularly cold in the winter and it also isn’t that warm in the summer. Consequently, I don’t end up using that much fuel oil for the cold season and then again, I don’t use that much electricity to power the air conditioners for the warm season per year. When it comes to my house lighting, I only use LED light bulbs which are the most energy efficient. Another important reason to why my footprint is somewhat low compared to the average footprint in Greece is the fact that I chose to use the public transport for going to school and going out, so I don’t use the car a lot. Nevertheless, my footprint is not that great compared to the average global footprint. I suppose that mostly depends on what my family and I (3 people) eat, because we eat a lot of meat. I honestly hate to admit that I don’t recycle or compose anything at all and that I only use reusable bags and I reuse glass whenever I can. At a bottom line looking at my outcome I am willing to reduce this number, I am looking forward to recycle more often and reduce the amount of meat I’m eating moreover I am excited that I can find out about more ways to reduce my carbon footprint in this project. Doing this I can play my role of persuading other people to do the same.  

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5 Comment(s)

Campbell Forman
Nov 15, 2020

Hi Anastasia

Well done on your carbon footprint level, compared to the rest of Greece you have done very well. I noticed your results for transport are extremely low, why is that? My transportation is very high compared to yours with 2,000kg. It was good to see your perspective on your carbon footprint and where you can improve.

All the best,


Mia Forrest
Nov 15, 2020

Hello Anastasia, 

I found the differences between our carbon footprints very interesting. Transportation is the place where you use the least carbon. However, I often don't have the option to use public transport meaning my  transportation footprint is very high.

Brandon Ebdon
Nov 11, 2020

Hello Anastasia, I found it interesting that our carbon footprints are mostly the same, but when I compare my home use to yours mine is almost double yours, I think this is because my household uses products that uses lots of energy, especially air conditioning as it get really hot in Australia.  

Raquel Jimenez
Oct 27, 2020

Hi Anastasia!

I found it very interesting how much kgs of difference you had between you and the average of Greece. I had a similar number to yours as well, very nice to know more of your perspective! :)

Hi Anastasia, it's great to see that you are reusing items to reduce your waste, and hopefully will start to recycle more often. You mentioned the fact that you used public transport. Do you usually use a train, bus, or taxi? Also, since your transportation emissions are extremely low, do you use transportation that doesn't run off fossil fuels? I am happy to see that you are under the average footprint level for your region. Keep up the great work! :)

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